
Very Low-Moisture Carpet Cleaning

We are pleased to offer the state-of-the-art very low-moisture carpet cleaning process featuring “No Wet Carpets” and our “Clean Carpet” guarantee. You’ll love it… We guarantee it! It’s the new, better, safer way to clean carpets…

Spot and Stain Removal

We can remove most any spot or stain. Armed with an arsenal of the industry’s finest and safest stain-removal products and tools – specifically designed for carpets, we can remove or minimize all types of spots and stains on your carpet.

Pet Stain and Odor Removal

It was an accident…I promise. When accidents happen, call Fresh ‘N’ Green. We’ll eliminate the stain as well as the odor. It’s a much better solution than eliminating the pet!

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    Dry vs. Wet Carpet Cleaning – Which Is Really The Best?

    This is an ongoing debate in the carpet industry. The companies that promote truck mount hot water extraction or often referred to as “steam cleaning” claim that dry or low-moisture methods don’t clean as deeply as wet cleaning. Companies who use the new low-moisture or dry cleaning systems often point out the fact that hot […]

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